The Latest Online Scams Today

Luật Ngân hàng là môn học nghiên cứu pháp luật điều chỉnh những quan hệ xã hội phát sinh trong lĩnh vực ngân hàng gồm các quan hệ xã hội phát sinh trong hoạt động thực hiện chính sách tiền tệ quốc gia, quản lý thị trường tiền tệ và hoat động ngoại hối, quan hệ về huy động vốn
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Cao Thùy Dương
Điều hành viên
Bài viết: 68
Ngày tham gia: 01:56 - 7/4/2018
Đã cảm ơn: 56 lần
Được cảm ơn: 44 lần
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The Latest Online Scams Today

Bài viết chưa xem by Cao Thùy Dương »

In today's digital age, cyber scams are constantly evolutioning and becoming more and more complex, making users vulnerable to traps. Here are some of the latest scams that users need to be wary of:

1.     Cryptocurrency scam: Messages, emails or social media ads promise the opportunity to make money quickly through investing in cryptocurrencies. Users are lured and send money but do not receive any benefits in return.

2.     Tax Fraud Calls: Scammers pretending to be tax authorities officers call users and threaten that they will be locked out of account or subject to legal prosecution if they do not make an immediate payment via gift card or bank transfer.

3.     Use Phishing to Steal Information: Fake messages and emails from reputable organizations such as banks, technology companies or government agencies require users to provide personal information such as bank account numbers, passwords or OTP codes.

4.     Social Scam: Scammers use fake social media accounts to create fake conversations with friends or relatives, ask them to transfer money or provide personal information.

5.     Scam NFT (Non-Fungible Token): With the development of the NFT market, scammers have taken advantage of the opportunity to create fake NFTs or use fraudulent methods in the process of NFT transactions, causing users to lose money unfortunately.

6.     URL Shortening Scams: Scammers use URL shortening services to hide malicious links, making users vulnerable to being tricked into clicking on these links and revealing personal information or downloading malware.

To avoid scams, users need to be vigilant and follow precautions such as not sharing personal information online, thoroughly checking email addresses and links, and always learning about the latest phishing practices.
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